Starting a Cooperative in Finland

A good bell will be heard far


One single bad product or work can tarnish the good reputation of a company – and every good product or work is part of the next one. The marketing of a cooperative belongs to every member, being a common task, even if the responsibilities are differentiated where appropriate. Also, every member is “marketing” the common enterprise with his own behavior. Thus, the members of the cooperative are its calling cards or outdoor advertisements. The power of social media, like Facebook, is not to be underestimated. Visibility can promote the awareness of the products and services of a company, and similarly, customers’ dissatisfaction will spread largely into general knowledge.

The follow-up and regular review of any marketing and action plans will help keep an eye on the expenditure and reveal any development needs. As to the image’s follow-up, a simple quality program will suffice: the essential quality components are noted, and their execution is followed through their own observations and customer feedback.